Thursday, March 29, 2007

Africa 2

Week 2 in Nalerigu, Ghana is drawing to a close. One group of volunteers left early this week, and a new couple just arrived. So we have had several days of call in a row. We are a little tired, but enjoying things here. A few the top photo, we went to the local market which is held every 3 days. They sell everything that the people here could want, from produce, to shoes and cloth, even a dried monkey head (I kid you not!). In the 2nd picture, we had brought some crayons and coloring books to Africa. The kids in the hospital have little to nothing to do all day, but sit there. So we thought we would try and entertain them a is a sample of their artwork. We are planning to sell a few of them on Ebay this week...ha ha. On a medical note, there was a sad delivery today. One of the nurses went into labor and had to have a c-section for breach. Unfortunately the baby had an upper airway obstruction and was never able to breath. In the US they probably would have had emergency surgery, but unfortunately that is not an option here. Death is just an accepted way of life. Parents often do not name their children for several weeks, because of the high infant mortality. On a happy note, there have been several kids with meningitis that we effectively tapped, treated, and sent home. The surgeon here saved a child with a small bowel obstruction today, and several people with perforated bowels due to typhoid. So there is a lot of happiness here as well. In spite of the tough conditions here, the people are joyful and happy and have a wonderful sense of community and family. We think some US communities could learn a lot from them about how to support and serve one another. Please continue to keep us and the hospital in your prayers.


Unknown said...

Glad to hear things are going pretty well over there. I love reading the updates! Dad has IM now and he's a little out of control. haha, I hope you've gotten to talk to him! Love y'all!

JR & Lindsay Young said...

Thank you for the updates! We are enjoying following along with you two. Keep up the hard work! We will be praying for safety and endurance. Blessings, JR and Lindsay.